Aima Baig broke up with her fiance Shahbaz Shigri? Rumors sparks!

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Aima Baig broke up with her fiance Shahbaz Shigri? Rumors sparks! Rumors about Shahbaz Shigri and Aima Baig is circulating all over the social media as according to them they have parted their ways! So lets have a look!

Singer Aima Baig and Shahbaz Shigri both engage in July 24, 2021. Aima baig started his career from a small platform. She use to sing from show “MazaqRaat”. Aima Baig made permanent appearance over after singing Kalabaz Dil for Lahore Se Aagay. She made big hype after singing in Coke Studio famous song Baazi with Sahir Ali Bagga.

Aima Baig engagement
Aima Baig

Aima Baig and Shahbaz Shigri has unfollowed each other over social media. this news is getting viral like a wild fire over social media. While fans are curious to know if they both have ended their engagement or not? Fans are also asking question from Aima but she has not answer till yet. While few days back Aima Baig and Shahbaz Shigri remove all pictures with other on their Instagram. they only kept their pictures together.

Aima Baig engagement
Aima baig

Aima Baig recently posted some pictures with her fiance Shahbaz Shigri. They both enjoy their precious time together. While Aima Baig shared these pictures with caption “Date night with fiance”. According to reports Aima Baig and Shahbaz are planning to give a big surprise to their fans. They both are together working on a project but they have not yet reveal details about it.

Aima Baig broke up with her fiance

Some are claiming the couple closeness before marriage that leads to their breakup. While others are criticizing Aima Baig. But seems to be like there is something going to big reveal for their fans.

Aima Baig broke up with her fiance
Shahbaz Shigri

So what are your thoughts over Aima Baig broke up with her fiance Shahbaz Shigri? Rumors sparks! Do let us know in the comment box! Thank you

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